Affordable plants for home and garden

Bush roses

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Excellent ground cover roses for suppressing weeds and for cascading down from walls or planters

Buy one of our ground covering roses, low care, affordable, home delivery within one week Ground covering roses are low growing and wide spreading, Ground covering roses cover the ground quickly; they are easy to trim and maintain.

Ground covering roses produce their flowers in clusters providing an ongoing carpet of flowers. Ground covering roses are very useful in almost every garden situation, they like full sun and are perfect for planting in borders, on slopes or containers.

Ground covering roses form carpets that suppress weeds; whole carpets of colour will emerge in a season once planted. Ground covering roses fill in bare spots between shrubs and perennials. They provide useful cover on the ground for birds and other wildlife. Ground covering roses also reduces the effects of wind and rain on the soil, preventing erosion on slopes and banks.

And a great advantage is that Ground covering roses help prevent cats from soiling and digging in your garden; their prickly thorns are an effective deterrent.

Why not add our Culvita Rose Manure fertilizer to your basket it contains all the nutrients essential for healthy growth and an abundance of beautiful flowers and healthy foliage.

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